Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a......

BOY!!! We are having a little baby boy!! Earlier today we had our first ultrasound and he gave us a very clear picture. :) I don't really have any pictures to share though. The tech was taking all sorts of images of the baby's legs, face, spine, head, full body, everything. Then at the end he quickly said "Oh, do you want a picture?" "YES!!!!" I said. So then he took one of the baby's back and said that is all I get. I asked about the pictures he had already taken showing that it is a boy and he said he can't give me those. That the one he is printing now is all I get. It wasn't even on the shiny picture paper like normal... just on regular copy paper. It was strange and I was bummed and then he kicked us out of there very fast. It was as if we were interrupting his day. Oh well... he looks healthy and that is most important!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tator tot, you are growing so fast!

Congratulations, Kimberly! You're 17 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 4.4 to 4.8 inches from crown to rump and has doubled its weight in the last two weeks to about 3.5 ounces. Fat begins to form aiding heat production and metabolism, the lungs are beginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and the circulatory and urinary systems are working. Hair continues to grow on baby's head and his eyebrows and eyelashes are filling in. You're showing more, with an obvious swelling in your lower abdomen. A five- to 10-pound weight gain is typical by now. You also may be noticing an increase in appetite.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I am 17 weeks pregnant! This means tator tot is now the size of a baked potato! The next question is... is tator tot a spud (boy) or french fries (girl)? TBA soon!!!

It has been nice to adjust back to "normal" life being back from the cruise. Though I miss the food, fun and views, it does not compare to spending time with our Hailey bug. She is just the darn-est cutest thing we have ever seen! Today I took her to the play place at the mall. When she sees a kid close to her age, she has this cute smile/grin that she gives. Then goes back to a normal face once the kid looks away. It is hilarious. I bought just a few things for an easter basket for her today. I bought a tiny baby doll that looks like a real baby. I can't wait to give it to her! She LOVES babies.

Hailey will look at you, smile and bat her eyes! I don't know where she got it from but it is adorable. She also will look at you and simultaneously move her eye brows up and down with and smile. Lol... she cracks us up!

She seems to not be affected anymore by being put in time-out. She just sits there and talks and today started taking off her clothes to entertain herself. Looks like I am going to have to figure something else out!

She went to the neighbor's house yesterday and played outside with their little boy. They have a lot of play toys outside including a water/sand table. Hailey loved playing in the sand. It entertained her for a long time. I am very proud of her though... even though she was having a blast, when I said it was time to go, she helped put everything away and told the neighbors "tan tu" which is "thank you" and we left. Such a good girl!

She is so snuggly too! I have heard so much that kids her age won't snuggle but she snuggles, kisses, and just loves to love and be loved on! I am a very, very happy mom about that!

Well, she had a long day and went down for a late nap and it is 4:50 pm and she is still sleeping! I must go wake her up cause her bed time is just a couple hours away.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Sean and I recently went on a 5-night cruise to Costa Maya and Cozumel with another couple we are friends with. I was sick for a good part of it (cold turned into sinus infection) and pretty miserable feeling but we had a lot of fun! The highlights were quality time with Sean, seeing clear blue water, the cooking class in Cozumel, the entertainment shows the last night on the ship, swing dance class with Sean, and of course, as much food as I want whenever I want!!!

Needless to say, we had a blast and look forward to the next cruise in 5 years. I never got sea sick but Sean got a little queezy a few times. There was one particular night leaving Cozumel that the ocean was very rough and the boat was rocking a lot. I kinda found it fun though. I got a lot of good laughs as I tried to walk down the halls and get food.

If I could give one tip for couples looking to book a cruise, DON'T GO IN MARCH!!! Well, that is, don't go during spring break time. My suspicions were correct and our boat was around my guesstimation of 80% full of college kids getting as drunk as possible and partying. We didn't hang out at the pool area of the ship much at all because of how crazy it got. It got so crazy, people-filled and loud that I called the pool area "Cancun". It had to have it's own separate name. The poor old people. They hid until "Cancun" moved off the ship when we docked. Of course, "Cancun" always came back. :)

I was known as "sushi girl" in the Windjammer cafe. I always showed up at around 6:30 PM and the chef would set aside vegetarian sushi for me to have that hasn't touched raw meat at all since I am pregnant. I felt very special and enjoyed it very much! :) They also had watermelon on the ship! Unfortunately, middle of the trip the watermelon started to go sour and didn't really taste all that good.

When the ship was taking off from Tampa, we were towards the front of the boat. The captain blared the horn twice and made me duck and scream! lol... I totally didn't expect that!! Makes since now that he said "whoo whoo" just before he hit the button.

Now for the baby...

I am 16 weeks pregnant! I go this coming week to the doctor and will hopefully then schedule my sonogram! :) I am feeling pretty good pregnancy wise. I thought I have felt the baby move a few times but not very recently. I really want to feel him/her move! I can't wait to hear the heartbeat again at the doctor's office!