Monday, November 3, 2008

Afraid of the dark?!

Hailey rides great in the car. Only a few times does she cry and that's when she is really really hungry. But, about four days ago Sean and I noticed she cries in the car at night. As soon as a light comes on, she stops crying. Light off... she cries. She is afraid of the dark in the car! I felt bad for her but it was quite humorous at the same time. Poor thing! We turned the light on in the car every chance that we could. I don't know how to resolve this problem... just hope she gets used to it and sees that it's not scary. We had a fall festival at church. I dressed Hailey up as a rockstar punk ballerina. She was adorable! Sean was volunteered for the dunk tank. I don't know by who. ; )He got dunked several times. Then I dunked him. Here's some pictures! (I'm glad I got the pictures before the massive blow-out!)

Hailey is now ten weeks old. She is opening her hands more and noticing things in front of her. I think she is starting to try and touch things. It's so cute to see her concentrate on something. We love to place toys at her feet and when she kicks id makes noise. She tries to figure out why that's happening. I can always tell when Hailey is going to poop. She gets very still and rigid and gets a concentrated face. She perces her lips together and then the grunt comes! Sometimes she turns red.

Hailey is now in a size 1 diaper. She has only had a few blowouts since we changed sizes. She is a great baby and I have found loves a routine. I feed her every 3 hours now. She also knows when night time feeding and bed time is. The last couple weeks I haven't even needed to rock her to sleep. I couldn't ask for a better baby!

I love to make Hailey smile and laugh. She has the biggest smile and her eyes light up. She loves a bummble bee toy Jennifer Fries got her. It makes laughing sounds. She also loves a baby doll that laughs that her Nana got her.

Speaking of Nana (my mom) please keep her in your prayers. She starts radiation this Thursday. She has to get six weeks of radiation, five days a week. It's a lot to go through but onces she does it, she will be done with the cancer stuff all together!! I praise God for my mom and for her healing from the breast cancer.

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