Thursday, May 14, 2009

We're still here!

Hailey is becoming a pro at crawling. She will also pull herself up to standing and cruise. I have to keep doors shut in the house because she will suddenly "disappear". She loves to stand holding onto the dog gate at the kitchen and laugh at the dogs.

Sean and I were talking the other day how Hailey is quite fearless and very trusting of us. Generally, she is loud, happy - very outgoing. The only time she is quiet is when she is in a new place or a lot is going on around her. Then she becomes observant. God woke Sean up many times throughout my pregnancy to pray for Hailey and told him specific things to pray. I really believe because of the faithfulness of Sean's prayers, Hailey is as healthy and vibrant as she is.

New things Hailey is doing:
Crawling like a pro
Tries to say "bye bye"
Plays with her tongue, sticking it out of the corner or her mouth
Stands in her crib (we lowered the mattress)
Holds onto her blanket for comfort

In other news: Sean is loving his school. He is going to get a BA in Theology. After that he is talking about getting his Masters! This schooling will help prepare Sean for doing more ministry and hopefully one day being a pastor! This is what we believe God is calling him to do for years so we are very excited.

My mom got a biopsy done of a lump in her breast yesterday. (She had a single mastectomy for breast cancer a little over a year ago). As we await the results, we know God is in control of the results and are confident everything will turn out okay. She got a PET scan just a few months ago which shows any type of cancer and it came back fine.

I have been busy with Hailey, work, keeping up the house and church. My struggle has been keeping the house up. More specifically, the mess Michael, our black laquer German Shephard makes. It is unbelievable! I could have a full time job just cleaning up after him. Really. It's been driving me CRAZY! Especially with a baby crawling too. My sister was talking the other day about someone she knows who loves to clean because then she reaps the benefits (a nice, yummy smelling, clean house to relax in!). I like cleaning my house because I like reaping the benefits but unfortunately, with Michael, I can't. As soon as I have cleaned it, he has made it messy again. So, it's an ongoing thing that is making me insane. FYI - definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over!!!!!

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