Saturday, December 8, 2007

I am pregnant!

I still can't even completely take it all in.... Sean and I are pregnant! This morning, I went to the store and got a pregnancy test without Sean knowing (I told him I was going to the bank, which I did do!) and then came home and immediately took the test. It's positive?! I kept looking and looking. I grabbed the card I hid in the bookcase (waiting for this day) and handed it to Sean with the envelope beside it. I said "look at the card I got Adam and Angela" (our pregnant friends). On the outside it says "A tiny bundle on the way, so tender, sweet, and new... inside it reads "What a world of happiness you have ahead of you! Congradulations!" and I wrote under that "Sean, your going to be a daddy!" Sean looked at the card... not suspicious at all, opened it, and stared. He couldn't believe what he was reading was true. "Yes! Here's the test!". I took a second test to confirm. We are announcing it to our families tonight and most likely Sean will announce it to the church tomorrow!!!!!!

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