Sunday, June 15, 2008

Back to reality...

So last night Sean went out with the guys to see the Hulk movie. I had a coupon to Chipotle (one of my fav places!) for a free burrito. Now if you haven't seen Chipotle burritos before, they are massively huge burritos! Anways, I got one and brought it home to eat. Sean and I had plans to go swimming when he got home. I'm finishing off the last bite of this burrito when I thought "Ugh! What am I doing eating this huge burrito when I've gotta get into a swim suit?! My stomach is going to look huge!!" Then I came back to reality and looked at my very round, very out there stomach and realized it's not going to make a difference this time. Lol. Prego blonde moment there!

New term: Pregzilla
Definition: The state some pregnant women may resort to after or beginning at first trimester of pregnancy.

Hailey: She is fabulous! She is defnitely growing and gaining those pounds. I just hope she doesn't gain too many! She is still very active. She had a dance party in my stomach at church today... her dad was awesome on the guitar and the Holy Spirit was moving so strong!

Sean: Awwww..... it's Sean's first Father's Day Daddy To Be Day! I got him this board that you are supposed to be able to surf under water with. (Simple toys entertain him for so long) Neat idea but it didn't work so I'm gonna take it back and get him something else. He is getting more and more excited about Hailey coming. This week we are going to watch a DVD on how to change diapers and swaddle. Sean is absolutely dreading the diapers. He says he has never ever changed one before. Many have volunteered at church to let him practice on their baby but he is pushing it off until he has to. I'm sure it's different when it's your kid too. Girls are easier... just wait until it's a boy and he doesn't get the PeePee TeePee on quick enough! Lol!

1 comment:

sunnybeachgirl said...


Way to go on the Chipotle burrito... finishing one is a feat in itself! I enjoyed the video... moral of the clip: don't have your baby in the UK. =]

Wow, just over 2 months left!!

Thanks for the updates! Love ya man!
