Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bye Bye Altamonte Springs...

This weekend has been CRAZY!! We packed and moved into a home in Ocoee we are renting. Hailey is sleeping in a big girl bed and doing it wonderfully! She stays in her bed and loves it. She woke up a few times last night crying but I think it is because she didn't know where she was since it was her first night in the new house.

Unpacking is going really well. I am thinking by the end of the week we will be pretty settled in. :) That is thanks to family and friends that have helped tremendously. We couldn't do it without them! Especially me with my 8 month preggo belly.

Today Hailey and I went to a baby shower and someone beside us was taking pictures of the mom-to-be. Hailey looked over a couple times at the person with the camera and said "cheese!" and smiled. lol. She is just too cute for words. I must say that the past few days has been trying though as a parent. There have been tantrum after tantrum and I have to be consistent even though we are busy and tired. Not so easy but we are doing our best. I know she is going through a lot too. She saw the guys load the dining room table into the truck and the townhome and put out her arms and said "My table! My table!" I quickly took her to Publix with me as I knew she didn't understand that she is going with her table.

Hailey has her very own room now. Well, she had a room before but had to share it with storage, computer desk and musical equipment. But her room now has toys in it and space to play and call her own. She is very excited about the stairs in the house too. I have taught her to "scoot" down the stairs.

Pedro has finally found a comfy spot on the couch to sleep. He has been roaming the house for over 24 hours very restlessly. Poor guy has been through a lot too. He freaked out at the townhome with everyone there moving stuff and loud noises. His tail puffed up and he ran room to room bumping into boxes and freaking out. Then I didn't have anything to put him in to move him so he just sat amongst my packed car. Luckily Sean was able to grab Pedro before he ran out of the car!

As far as the pregnancy goes... I am well. I am tired and sore and could have lots of complaints about the way I feel but it is probably just cause I have been running ragged trying to get things done. Soon I will be able to rest more. :) I really can't complain anyways. One of my dear friends who is also pregnant has PUPPS. She is so itchy and can't sleep, can't get comfy and is just plain old not feeling good. I pray that she is able to get good sleep and is able to get comfy and have a healthy rest of the pregnancy! We plan to float in the pool and eat watermelon the last couple weeks of our pregnancy (she is due a day before me).

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