Monday, April 21, 2008

It's busy busy in the Canada House!

I think I'm wearing my husband out! This past weekend he worked on the tile in the master bathroom. Then he helped me clean up the house. Today Sean started replacing the fence in the backyard and got a lot of that done. I asked him to look at my oven cause it's not working again... something is loose. Then he notices he needs new tires on his car. All the while he is battling some congestion in his chest that is giving him a horrible cough and making him not feel the best. Poor thing!

Meanwhile, Hailey is kicking up a storm. Sometimes she feels like she's having her own party. I wish I could peek in there and see what she's doing! Sean is enjoying feeling her move. This past Saturday my mom got to feel her kick for the first time. Three times in a row! My mom jumped up and down and was SO excited! Then my sister Rachel felt Hailey kick and freaked out. She also saw my stomach move. It is the strangest feeling yet so fun at the same time. I'm excited to see how my dad reacts when he feels his granddaughter kick!

My mom has a PET scan Wednesday and next week a DNA test to see if she has a certain cancer gene. All of these things will determine future treatment. Either way, she is supposed to start chemo within the next few weeks. Fortunately, there are many cancer groups in the area and one of them will give her bandanas or wigs and other things that she will need. They will even take her to appointments if she finds that she needs it. I'm sure that between my dad, my uncle and I, we can get her to her appointments.

Thank you for all your prayers regarding my mom. She has lifted spirits the past few days and even though there are some things she is battling, she is doing very very well.

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