Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hailey's revenge

Sean got stitches! Six stitches to be exact. He was working and some tile broke and fell cutting his leg. Luckily it didn't bleed too bad and he was able to get to a CentraCare and get it taken care of quickly.

Hailey is smiling a lot more. She has times where she is so alert! Then other times when she is so hard sleep no matter what you do she won't wake up! Sean likes to play with her like she is a little "Yoda" when she is like that. It's so funny. I have video of it. One day I'll get it up here! Hailey went to her first youth group tonight. She loved the flashing lights when the music was playing. Never took her eyes off them. She was very good the whole time. Yesterday we went to Children's Orchard, Chick-fl-a and to visit her great grandfather. It was a long afternoon but she was great the entire time. When we got home I knew she was tired. She fought nap time for about 15 minutes and then gave in.

Hailey sleeps through the night great. Since I started rocking her to sleep, she goes to sleep around 10 - 10:30 PM and sleeps until about 5:30 AM then sleeps again till about 9:30 AM. Sometimes she won't go to sleep till around 12:30 or 1:00 AM and then she will sleep until 9 or 9:30 AM. I've felt lucky to be getting so much sleep at night. But she took revenge last Sunday night. She didn't sleep a wink the WHOLE NIGHT. Not kidding you. Really. I was up from 6:30 AM Sunday morning till 12:30 PM Monday. Hailey finally went to sleep at 8 AM Monday morning but she had a doctor's appointment so I couldn't finally go to sleep, instead I had to get her things ready and try to make myself look decent. I tried EVERYTHING to get her to go to sleep. She just refused. She had a full belly, tummy time (tried to get her tired), we went driving, we rocked, diaper changes, singing, walking, massage, music, burping, gas medicine, everything!!!

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