Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I have so much to post but haven't been able to because our computers at home have fallen ill. Dahvyd came over for dinner and also took a look at our PC and my laptop. I'm on my laptop now which has a very, very fickle internet connection (it is going in and out as I type) and is very slow. Our PC window's program (windows xp) crashed. It looks like our hard drives are okay. Dahvyd is going to come back another day and work on it cause it is going to take a while. Thank you Dahvyd!!!!

So, once we get our PC working, I have lots of pics to post. Pics of the farm, the youth retreat and at home.

Hailey is the most adorable baby ever. There just aren't words to express how precious she is to Sean and I. She has one tooth that has broken through on the bottom front. It looks like one on the top front is putting the pressure on. Last week she took 9 steps to her Aunt Stephanie. She loves to walk around the house holding onto our hands. She isn't quite confident enough yet to really attempt to walk around by herself though she could do it.

Xander, a 18 month old boy from next door dropped by the other day and is letting Hailey borrow a few of his toys that he has grown out of. The Schuesslers also gave Hailey some of their toys they were recycling. I had also bought her a few toys last week at Children's Orchard. It looks like she has made out like a bandit the past week. I can't imagine what my home is going to look like after bday gifts from the grandparents. Oh my!! My living room looks like Toys 'R Us when all the toys are out. lol! Thank you Xander and Schuesslers!!

Birthday plans are getting set! Hailey's one year birthday is August 21st. We are having a huge pool party for her birthday. I have a cake designed, plus cupcakes and we will be making ice cream sundaes! We have reserved a club house and pool in Lake Mary... a very nice venue. I can't wait!!!!

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