Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Not Recommended: Catching a cold while you are pregnant!

Finally, I am feeling better from a cold! It was nasty!! I mean, colds are never fun but add being pregnant to it and it's even worse! So not much has been done around here in the past week. Just been living life very simple and doing the necessities. My husband is so nice to help out. He really has stepped up!

I must give a shout out to my friend Angela Shaw. She told me to put Vick's vapor rub on the bottom of my feet and it helps with chest congestion. She was right! Thanks Angela!!

Hailey is doing really great! She is 26 weeks now. The doctor said on Friday she is just the right size. She sits as a ball on my stomach. Makes me look bigger cause she just pops out there but I'd rather that than be big all over!! Hailey moves around a lot. She is very active. She loves taking her feet and dragging them along my stomach. So weird to watch and feel!!

Sean will sit and rub my belly in a circular motion while we watch tv. The other night Hailey came right up to where he was rubbing and seemed to push her hole side into Sean's hand. He was so excited! I said she is definitely a daddy's girl!

As we feel and see Hailey move and the time gets closer when we expect her to come, the reality sets in more and more that we are going to be parents. It can be a scary thought because of the responsibility and we are afraid of making mistakes that will effect someone else's life. But it's so exciting! I just can't wait to hold her and take care of her! Every time I think about holding Hailey in my arms for the first time, I hear a part of a David Crowder song that says "The world will never be the same" and I tear up. The reality is that the world could really change because of her, because of what God does through her. Who knows the plans He has for her. Sean and I want to direct her in the way of God so that she fulfills every plan God has for her. The fact that I get to take part in that is humbling and I am grateful.

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