Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Cutting

This morning Hailey was a tad fussy. As soon as I put on Mickey's Club House on tv, she sat silently watching. Any cartoon grabs her attention. I think because of the vivid colors and the high pitched character voices. Anyways, then she started chewing on my fingers and when I would try to pull away, she would put my fingers back in her mouth. A bit later when I sat her in the highchair (we were trying fresh copped up strawberries and blueberries for the first time!), I noticed something. There have been two teeth that we have been able to see so clearly through her gums. There hasn't been any action... until now! First I noticed one tooth is now higher than the other. Then I noticed the cut on her gums where the tooth is higher. It is breaking through!! We are officially entering The Cutting.

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