Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cry or Not to cry?

I just let Hailey cry herself to sleep. It was so hard! I had fed her and played with her. I needed to get up and get ready for the day so I put her in the swing. She was okay for a couple minutes and then started to scream. Her face was SO red and she was extremely loud. It's hard to make the choice when to let her cry and when to not. I'm still not sure of it. Hailey screamed for 15 min. and then went to sleep. But not before she did the quick air suck in thing that we all do after a big cry. My poor baby! I just wanted to pick her up and comfort her. But I know that she must learn and I will regret it later.

It's been busy around the Canada house lately. The days fly by so fast when I'm home. I don't get to do everything I would like to. I think of the things I would do with my time but now I'm taking care of Hailey. Hailey is definitely much more worth my time than those trivial things. It's an awesome feeling to do something with my time that means so much. The way Sean and I raise her will effect many people she meets in her life and her children. Sean has been so wonderful to help out with cleaning. He even shaved skittles the other night. Well, she isn't done.. looks quite funny actually. He had to quit cause she was biting him!

We have been very busy with work. We now keep our work schedule on a Google calendar so Sean can access it from his iPhone and I can from any computer. My in-laws are going to Indiana tomorrow. This means work will be much busier for Sean and I next week because my father-in-law will not be there. We praise God for every job that we get. We aren't slammed but we have work!!

My mom is deciding to get radiation. Please pray for her. She will be going for treatments five days a week for six weeks. I don't think she has a start date yet.

We bought a Nerf gun to hopefully keep the cats off the counters. I have tried so many things. Even packing tape put upside down... they didn't care!! I think cats are secretly really smart or something.

I have a big case of "mommy brain". I forget so many things or it's just on the tip of my tongue but I can't get it out! I've heard that Omega3 helps with that. is a great site if you want to combine coupons with sales the grocery is having. You can look up specific stores such as Publix, Winn-Dixie, CVS, Walmart and Walgreens and they have a list prepared for you that you can check off what you want and print it out. I love it!!

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