Sunday, October 5, 2008

Going to work this week!

So I'm going back to work this week. I'm not working a lot of hours but it's time away from Hailey that we are both not used to. Both of the grandmothers are going to be watching Hailey. I'm glad they get some one-on-one time with Hailey and I know Hailey will love the attention!!

It's been two months since I have worked. I'm trying to mentally go there so I will be ready tomorrow. Run through the routines in my head so I'm not totally stumped when I get there at what to do!

I'm also trying to get back into the routine of keeping the house. It's different now because I can't just decide to get up and clean for an hour. I've gotta manage to fit the cleaning time in between taking care of Hailey. I think I'm going to have to resort to getting up earlier than her in the mornings to get some things done then too. I like this website, They have a set of routines they suggest and they even have email reminders.

Hailey is so much fun! We took her to her first restaurant trip last night. She was really good for us. Here eyes were so huge as she looked around. It was so funny. They were almost bugging out they were so big! I wish I would have gotten a pictuer of it!!

My mother-in-law got us a camcorder so this coming week I will post some video of Hailey!! I can't wait to get her smiling on video... it's priceless. I just watched video of one of our friend's kids singing a song about God and the other kid doing karate moves in his spiderman costume. Even though I absolutely love the stage Hailey is at right now, so cute and small, I look forward to the days when she is jumping around singing about God too!!

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