Monday, August 18, 2008

Doc says no changes...

So the doc said to come back on Wednesday morning and we'll talk induction and he will monitor my contractions and the baby. He's trying to let me go on my own (which I like but don't like cause I'm so over this). So here's my delima: I don't want to get induced so Sean and I need to pray for something to happen now. But, that would mean we're going to the hospital and delivering during a hurricane. Atleast the hospital isn't far away. It just causes a bit of chaos for families and whatnot and what if we have to bring Hailey back to a home which doesn't have electricity? Lol... this is going to be fun/interesting. God has His plan. I just know I can't go much longer!! This baby is getting HUGE!!!!

Sean and I were thinking back to our wedding... we got married between the hurricanes in September of 2004. (Yeah, I can't believe we've been married that long!) Luckily our wedding weekend was like the only weekend there wasn't a hurricane. I remember I had moved into Sean's and my apartment (Sean was still at his parent's house) before we got married cause my family was moving out of the house we grew up in. It was easier to do that than move twice in a month. My family moved out right before a hurricane hit but the house they were moving into wasn't ready yet. So, they came and piled into Sean's and my apartment. It was actually quite fun... the last time hanging out with my family before I got married. One of my sister's hamsters got loose and we couldn't find it anywhere. Almost a week later I heard this tiny noise in the laundry room... it had crawled into the outgoing pipe for the dryer. Unfortunately the little guy didn't survive very long after his discovery.

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