Thursday, August 21, 2008

First poopie diaper down..... a million to go!

The nurse was in just a few minutes ago, and to my dismay she announces that Hailey was wet. I thought " I got this" ............. then the diaper came off. SHE WAS MORE THAN WET!!!! She had made her first poop! let me tell you! All you out there told me that the first one is kinda small and no big deal. WRONG !!!!!!!! I thought she had gone twice and the nurse laughed and said " nope first one. just huge!". Dude it was everywhere! Front and back! ( just for the record large poops are not from daddy's side)
You will be happy to know that not only did i fight my inner voice screaming " ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION!" , as I was cleaning up, I didn't gag, I didn't pass out, and some how Hailey and I mad it threw the ordeal in one piece. So, bring on the dooty diapers, neon secretions, and blow-outs! I challenge You. THIS IS WHERE I STOP THEM! THIS IS WHERE THEY DIE! HAARROOOO!!!


Freedom Fellowship Church said...

You just made my day! I almost peed my pants laughing! If you can keep this sense of humor going you will do just fine!! (When are we going to see pics of little miss?)

Kimberly said...

we are workin on getting pics up today. I just gotta get home first.