Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hailey slept through the night!

There's so many different opinions out there on how often to feed a newborn, especially at night. The lactation consultants said at the hospital every three hours, if not before, so that's what I had been doing... even through the night. If Hailey was sleeping then I would wake her up. But this would sometimes end up being a long prosses of waking her up and then getting to feed her and getting her back to sleep. By the time I got back to bed it was like 3o min. before I had to get up and do it all again! Crazy!

So yesterday the pediatrician said if she is sleeping, let her sleep. So I fed Hailey at about 11:30 last night and put her to bed. Finally at 8 this morning I woke her up to cuddle (I was a bit worried and wanted to see that she was okay) and she was ready to eat then. Oh, it was so nice to sleep!! And Sean, the lucky little butt. It was his first night that he was on baby duty and would have to get up to feed her (I had a breast milk bottle ready) and he didn't have to.


The Heuslein Family said...

Wow!! That is amazing that she slept through the night!! I bet you really enjoyed that sleep :)

A.H.Shaw said...

No fair! I can't believe she did that. I hope that that continues for you. Don't be surprised if it doesn't, but enjoy it while you can. Aren't little ones so much fun?!?!

Freedom Fellowship Church said...

How wonderful for you! Someone told me once "never wake a sleeping baby" and if they're hungry they'll tell you. It's definitely worked for us! I'm so glad you got a good night's rest. Sometimes that can make all the difference in life with a newborn :)